40 research outputs found

    The influence of theories on factors affecting knowledge sharing and its relationship with innovation and organizational performance

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    Knowledge is an essential resource for organization. While knowledge sharing is an important human daily activity to create opportunities in maximizing employees innovation in organization to achieve performance.Knowledge sharing is the process of transferring knowledge from a person to another in organization.However, previous studies have indicated that employees are refused to share knowledge.Many factors influencing knowledge sharing were identified to solve the problem.A critical reviews on factors affecting knowledge sharing; individual, organization and technology factors are frequent mentioned in literature. Thus,this study proposes a conceptual model that takes into consideration the three factors and related theories to support the constructs in developing a fit knowledge sharing model.This study will be followed by an empirical study to test the hypothesis and to validate the model.This study will improve the understanding on theories, factors affecting knowledge sharing and its relationship with innovation and organizational performance

    Tren teknologi dan cabaran masa kini kepada perpustakaan

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    Kertaskerja ini membincangkan tentang perkembangan technologi maklumat dan komunikasi (ICT) dari terciptanya mesin pencetak Gutenberg ltepada teknologi packet switching pada tahun 1960an hinggalah kepada teknologi genting fiber, innovasi HTML dan WWW yang kesemuanya memberi dampak kepada perpustakaan dan kemudahan yang disediakan kepada pengguna. Hasil daripada perkembangan ICT ini, beberapa tren utama yang mempengaruhi perkembangan perpustakaan pada masa kini telah dikenalpasti. Pendedahan kepada tren ini dapat memberi gambaran yang lebih jelas terhadap teknologi yang semakin pesat berubah dan pada masa yang sama boleh mengubah cara perpustakaan menyediakan kemudahan bagi memenuhi keperluan penggunanya. Beberapa cadangan telah dikemukakan dengan memberi contoh aplikasi pendekatan dan teknologi terkini dalam beberapa sistem yang telah dibangunkan sebagai model yang boleh dijadikan asas untuk mempertingkatkan perkhidmatan maklumat kepada masyarakat

    A Model for Business-IT Alignment in Malaysian Public Universities

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    AbstractBusiness-IT alignment is defined as a stage where the mission, objective, and planning within business strategy is shared and supported by IT strategy. This definition is extended to cover the situation where business executive and IT executive comprehended and committed towards achieving the mission, objective, and plan for both business and IT. One important issue in business–IT alignment study is the absence of alignment. By identifying factors to achieve business-IT alignment, the problem on the absence of alignment could be addressed. Due to the complexity of business-IT alignment, there is possibility that successful alignment focuses on managing specific alignment dimension by investigating factors that encourage particular dimension. Past studies have shown the relationship between business-IT alignment and organisation performance. However, only few researchers tried to relate between the factors with organisational performance. Therefore, the aim of this research is to contribute to the formation of a theoretical model influencing alignment dimension that has impact on organisational performance. The model is important to provide empirical evidence that confirms the importance of categorizing factors into dimensions in achieving business-IT alignment and their influence on universities’ performance

    A Synthesis Survey of Ontology Evaluation Tools, Applications and Methods to Propose a Novel Branch in Evaluating the Structure of Ontologies: Graph-Independent Approach

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    Diverse tools, application and methods can logically be organized in clear categories (i.e., Gold standard, Application, Data-driven and Human assessment) or their dimensions (i.e., Functionality (task-based), Usability based and Structural evaluation). This paper attempts to propose a novel branch in structural analysis of ontology through analyzing current methods. Structural dimensions can be involved in evaluating ontologies when the research attempts to analyze the graph representation based on Conceptual Graph (CG). Two types of nodes (i.e., concepts and conceptual relations) can be merely linked with one another via logical conjunction. When logical conjunction between concepts and conceptual relations were removed, the remaining components would be independent domains which would no longer bear the meaning of graph.  The separate concepts and conceptual relations cannot be involved in the notion of the graph-dependent approach. Thus, there is the lack of a novel branch in structural analysis which is called Graph-independent approach

    Platformisation of Mobile Operators Business Model: A Proposition Using Design Science Approach and Grounded Theory Principles

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    Mobile network operators (MNOs) business models (BM) are under pressure due to their lesser capability of introducing superior values to their customers in the mobile ecosystem. However, recent research efforts in developing new BM advocate two-sided BM that encompasses the diversity of MNO’s activities and capabilities. As a result, a new multidisciplinary service-based two-sided BM needs to be developed that incorporates these activities and skills. The small body of the extant literature on the subject suggests that it may be possible to enhance MNOs' BM by combining contemporary information technology tools with managerial design principles and concepts. This study designs a two-sided mobile advertising BM to investigate the application of a big data-driven BM to transform MNOs' current one-sided BMs to two-sided ones. To accomplish this, it combines the design science research methodology (DSR), which aims to create a problem-solving artifact for real-world problems, and the grounded theory approach, which aims to develop substantive theory and increase the rigor of the design process. The initial BM was proposed using deductive and adductive reasoning from academic and grey literature. The results of this study have shown that the new BM can enhance their revenue streams and competitive edge. This study identified that successful BM should be built on established MNOs core competencies and business activities. This study showed the applicability of two-sided theory and big data-driven tools and technologies to create new superior value propositions to both advertisers and end-users and thus innovative BMs for MNOs. The paper concludes with the fundamental requirements to build a data-driven two-sided BM.

    Developing a conceptual framework of knowledge transfer in Malaysia E-Government IT outsourcing: an integration with transactive memory system

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    Knowledge transfer has attracted much attention to researchers and practitioners in recent years since knowledge transfer has been considered as a critical determinant of an organization’s capacity to confer sustainable competitive advantage. Despite extensive research on knowledge transfer issues, there is a dearth of research that has explicitly focused on the role of transactive memory in enabling intra-organizational knowledge transfer in information technology (IT) outsourcing context, particularly e-government IT outsourcing. Although the information systems literature has recently acknowledged the role of transactive memory plays in improving knowledge processes, most of the research is still in the basic concept of transactive memory which is emphasized more on the individual level of analysis or rather in the small group of people. Besides, most of related research was done in the lab based on the physical, virtual task or memory recall tasks. None of empirical work has been done in integrating TMS in outsourcing context since most researchers used interpretive approach. Therefore, this paper attempts to fill this gap by applying positivist approach through operalization of identified factors that significantly give positive impact towards knowledge transfer between the vendors to the Malaysian Public Agencies as the client.. Drawing on several theoretical streams, this paper will propose an integrated conceptual framework of inter�organizational knowledge transfer with and integration of transactive memory system to facilitate knowledge transfer process between organizations which further can be used for research enhancement

    Rekabentuk sistem pemprosesan tesis secara automatik

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    Perpustakaan yang merupakan gedung ilmu yang penting perlu disediakan dengan kemudahan selaras dengan perkembangan ICT (Information Communication Technology). Ini adalah bertujuan untuk menggalakkan dan memudahkan orang ramai menggunakan perpustakaan. Gabungan teknologi digital dan rangkaian komunikasi ini membolehkan pengguna mengetahui koleksi sesebuah perpustakaan atau pusat sumber melalui Katalog Awam dalam talian atau OPAC (Online Public Access Catalogue) di mana sahaja mereka berada dan pada bila-bila masa. Kewujudan Katalog Awam Dalam Talian (OPAC)yang telah wujud semenjak awal tahun 80-an bukan sahaja berfungsi untuk memaklumkan kepada pengguna tentang bahan koleksi yang terdapat dalam perpustakaan malah turut menunjukkan status bahan yang dipesan tetapi belum di terima serta menyatakan bahan yang sudah dipinjam dan tarikh pemulangan. Pengguna juga boleh membuat tempahan dan membuat capaian koleksi perpustakaan lain (Ding 1998). Sistem pengurusan sumber maklumat yang lebih cekap dan baik membantu pengguna membuat capaian maklumat serta memudahkan pihak pengurusan menguruskan pusat sumber. Kemajuan teknologi ICT yang dibincangkan di atas turut di rasai oleh insitusi pengajian tinggi termasuk di pusat sumber, Fakulti Teknologi dan Sains Maklumat, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia